Task Cost Based Progr. Indicators

What is the purpose of the Task Cost Based Percent Complete?

  • This indicator provides an estimate about the task progress for tasks where Material is an important component.
  • This indicator is calculated as follows:
    task actual cost / ( task actual cost + task cost to complete )
What is the purpose of the Task Cost Based Progress Gap?
  • This indicator provides an estimate about the number of days the task is running ahead or behind schedule.
  • This indicator is calculated based on the task planned dates, as well as the projected and actual task progress.
What is the purpose of the Task Cost Based Progress Gap Percent?
  • This indicator shows the task cost based progress gap expressed as a percentage of the number of days remaining to complete the task on schedule.
  • This indicator provides an estimate about the risk of not completing the task on schedule, i.e. the lower the progress gap percent value, the higher the risk of not completing the task on schedule.